Monday, April 13, 2009

Photoshop CS4 vs Corel Paint Shop Pro X2 Review

Paintshop Pro X2 vs Photoshop CS4
You here it all the time... Can you PhotoShop it? PhotoShop is now a verb just like Google. I've used both products for a long time and through many upgrades. But, I always find myself coming back to Paint Shop Pro.

The main reason I use Paint Shop Pro X2 over PhotoShop CS3 or CS4 is because I can open a picture and make my adjustments and save the file before PhotoShop ever loads.

I may be exaggerating a little but not much. It's really is a lot faster. I also find more intuitive than PhotoShop.

And don't forget the price. PhotoShop CS4 is over $600 and Paint Shop Pro X2 is $100. Paint Shop Pro will take care of ALL your routine image editing needs and it's faster and easier to use.

So why does Adobe charge so much for the product? There are more plug-ins available for PhotoShop than Paint Shop Pro but you have to pay more for the special effects plug-ins. I would only recommend PhotoShop to graphic artist who have to work with other adobe products to get there job done.

The truth is, I really don't enjoy using Adobe products. Even Adobe PDF reader is slow and has constant updates. I use Foxit Reader on my PC. I'll give Adobe credit for being inventive and having a great marketing department.

However, I will always use the tools that are most efficient at getting the job done. And for me I usually find other products that are more efficient than Adobe's products.

I thought about listing all the things you can do with PaintShop Pro X2. But, I'm just going to tell you that you can do most anything with Paint Shop Pro X2 that you can do with PhotoShop. It's a great tool that get's great reviews from the people who take the time to give it a try.

Give it a try. I know you will be please with this product.

Buy it here at B&H: Paint Shop Pro X2
PaintShop Pro X2


1 comment:

  1. Totally agree with you. I have been using PSP since version 5 (I think). Certainly way back when Jasc owned it - afraid I preferred them to Corel. Another piece of software that is worth looking at - Serif PhotoPlus. It has some great effects.
